Want to earn monthly recurring revenue? Have an audience/clients? Monetize them with Patreon.com [CRASH GUIDE]

I started writing these instructions for several people already, so why not write it down for everyone to read? Here it goes: how to earn and grow an additional stream of monthly recurring revenue if you have an existing audience/fans, or a pool of clients/customers, by receiving money from them via Patreon.com. This will be great for artists, musicians, writers, teachers, non-profits, or anyone who creates any kind of value for a living. »

Squirrel, Inc. by Stephen Denning: My Book Reading Notes

Business needs more storytelling. It needs more storytellers. This book has taught me the basic elements of a story, and it gave me specific examples of the situations and the kinds of stories a business should tell to inspire change. The book is written as a parable itself. It’s a story of how squirrels wanted to switch to nut storing, instead of starving every winter. So, with this book you get 2 things in 1: the actual story, and the explanation why the story worked, and how it worked. »

What I Do

I tell friends and family that I’m in “digital marketing”, but I realized that most of them haven’t the foggiest what I do all day. I’m also increasingly asking myself in which direction I want to steer the rest of my career, so I felt the need to firmly define what is it that: I enjoy doing, am good at, pays well enough to finance the kind of life I want to have. »


People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily. - Zig Ziglar I was researching slash writing about the reasons why we keep delaying implementation of crucial changes in our business. What or who impacts the way we make decisions? Are there decision-making activities that set the most successful business people apart? Thinking about that led me to the subject of mastermind groups. »

Business as an Adventure

An insight came to me while I was reading the book A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy. (So much revelation in the first few pages. Go and buy it. You’ll thank me later.) Yesterday I decided I would look at the new business I’m venturing into as an adventure. Adventure-centered attitude is the best antidote to FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt). If my new business is an adventure, then all the obstacles in my way are what makes the adventure interesting. »