Moving My Blog to Hugo and Expanding the Range of Topics I Write About

It was time for another change. The first reincarnation of this blog was built with Python and Django in 2009. The second reincarnation was built with in 2014. In 2016, I built this version 3.0 with the Hugo Static Website Engine. So far, I love most of Hugo. I Miss Writing on My Blog I realized that I haven’t written anything since 2014 on my blog. I need to write. »

Moving My Blog to Ghost Pro

My blog has a new home. I moved my domain to Hosted Service platform. I decided to do this mostly because I needed a better publishing platform which would help me publish more good stuff more often. I’ve known for some time that the choice of a writing tool has an effect on me. Ghost editor supports Markdown syntax and Markdown is currently the most productive way to publish directly to the web. »

How I Wrote, Created and Launched This Website in 11 Hours: as Easy as Django Py

Update May 2016: I’ve transferred this blog to the HUGO static website engine and I’m hosting it on my company’s server. My writing still looks pretty, and Python & Django rock even more today than in 2009. Update March 2014: I’ve transferred this blog to a hosted service, mostly because it makes my writing look prettier. Python & Django still rock. I know I wrote in my first post that this blog was created because some internet hotshots said something. »